Beaver Scouts are the youngest members of Scouting which caters for children aged between 6 and 8 years old.

Our two Assistant Beaver Scout Leaders (ABSLs) are Jacqui and Warren. Additional support is normally provided by a parent helper (our Parent Rota gives parents the opportunity to join in with running one or two sessions each term).

The children have a varied programme that includes games, learning new skills, learning about our environment and how to live by the Beaver Scout promise ‘I promise to do my best, to be kind, helpful and to love God’. The past year has seen the Beaver Scouts cooking, going on bug hunts, planting flowers and vegetables, making paper aeroplanes, learning about other countries, learning about Fair Trade, making bird feeders, learning basic first aid and many other fun activities.

Term, Subs and Joining
The termly subs of £42 are collected through the Online Scout Manager system via direct debit and are due at the beginning of each term.
You can add your child to our waiting list on their fourth birthday. Please see details on our CONTACT page.
Children of parents who volunteer as Leaders, or in other key roles, are given priority access to spaces in the Group provided they commit to taking up their role for a minimum of two years.
We are always looking for volunteers, and a number of rewarding roles are available. We take a flexible approach to fitting in with any time constraints you may have.
If you would like more information about volunteering, please see the details on our VOLUNTEERING page and do please get in touch if you would like to discuss any of the opportunities.
Please click the image above to link the page on the Scouts Website that explains what uniform is needed and where to place a Beaver's badges once they've been earned.
Click here for information on how to sew on our unique scarf badge.