Our Group Sections
1st Weybridge is made up of 3 sections: Beavers, Cubs and Scouts. Once our children reach the age of fourteen years they can move up to Explorer Scouts which takes place through Walton and Weybridge District. There are also opportunities to become Young Leaders, and to embark on the Duke of Edinburgh awards. To find out more about our sections click on the images below.
Beaver Scout Colony
Beaver Scouts are aged between 6 and 8 years old. Our sessions are all about having fun while learning about the world.
Term Times
For term times see the News & Info section.
Cub Scout Pack
Cub Scouts are aged 8 – 10½ years. The Cubs have loads of fun, but with more focus on learning new skills and how to complete tasks through working as a team.
Scout Troop
Scouts are aged between 10½ – 14 years of age. Activities for Scouts are designed to be more challenging and exciting. We expect more discipline and in turn provide opportunities to practice leadership skills, along with the skills required to achieve their badges.